LEGO Factory

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In 2004 The LEGO Group launched a new service through Shop at Home called LEGO Factory. This Web 2.0 service allows anyone to download LEGO Digital Designer (also known as LDD), create models and upload these to the website for purchase.


Set List

  • Airport (5524), 2005, 607 elements
  • Amusement Park (5525), 2005, 1344 elements
  • Skyline (5526), 2005, 2747 elements
  • Hobby Train (10183), 2007, 1080 elements
  • Market Street (10190), 2007, 1238 elements
  • Star Justice (10191), 2008, 863 elements
  • Space Skulls (10192), 2008
The first three Factory sets photographed by Uhauha
image gallery

gallery owner (UHAUHA)

From Brickshelf Copyright held by Brickshelf user UHAUHA.

Hobby Train

In 2006 a subsection of LEGO Factory was created to cater to Hobby train enthusiasts with a palette of elements for LDD designed to allow for the creation of Train sets.
Image of the Hobby Train by Legomatic
image gallery

gallery owner (Legomatic)

From Brickshelf Copyright held by Brickshelf user Legomatic.

Modular Houses

In 2007 a subsection of LEGO Factory was created called Modular Houses. The first set in this series, Market Street (10190) was designed by Eric Brok an AFOL from the Netherlands. It was designed to attach to the Cafe Corner (10182) an in-house design by a former AFOL that was released in 2007 but not under the LEGO Factory label.
Market Street
image gallery

gallery owner (rakehau1)

From Brickshelf Copyright held by Brickshelf user rakehau1.

External Links

  • LEGO Factory official website
    • Modular Houses section
    • Hobby Trains section